At the peak of Arachova there is the imposing church of Agios Georgios which amazes and draws the attention of its visitors.
In order to get to the courtyard of the church you must climb the 264 steps where according to tradition many defining moments of the historical battle in Arachova in 1826 were carried out.
There are historical documents-records that prove the existence of the church since 1676 yet it is certain that its construction is placed many years before that. The courtyard of the church is decorated with embossed flagstones with designs of Arachovian wefts, made by the hands of Arachovian artisans.
The Ministry of Culture on 11th of July 2000 characterized the church as a historical listed monument.
At this church every year on the 23rd of April, the citizens of Arachova organize the “Panigiraki” that lasts three days and it is dedicated to Agios Georgios, which is developing into a very big and impressive festival.